28 September 2006

10 Years for Arsene Wenger

Congratulations to Arsene Wenger who has managed the Gunners for 10 years. From reading most of the reviews in the press there is great praise for the manager who was an unknown from Japan when he arrived in the UK, and gave him credit to giving a lot to the modern game. He introduced diet sheets, fitness and stretching etc. He also brought the great Henry to Highbury and helped develop him into the player he has become today.

Some suggested that the unknown Arsene was an anagram for Arsenal so was chosen on this alone. He was also asked at his first press interview what he thought of London life and to name three London landmarks. Apparently he considered his answer and replied slowly; "Highbury, the Arsenal training ground and Heathrow with a wiry smile.

Arsenal have offered him a job for life and I for one hope that he sticks around for manager for a few years to come.

Arsene Knows!